
Let us know if you need help using our website.

We’d like as many people as possible to be able to use our website.

We’re working hard to make sure you can navigate through it with speech recognition software and listen to it with a screen reader, for example.

There’s still a way to go until our site is fully inclusive, so please let us know if you’d like any help from us.

You might need support with uploading documents or finding what you need. Whatever it is, we’re really happy to help.

We’re also here to listen to you. If you’ve got any comments, ideas or suggestions about how we can make more inclusive, please let us know.

And if you’d like to help us improve, we’re always looking for people to take part in research to make our site more accessible. We’d love to hear from you if you’re interested.

You can get in touch with us in these ways: 

  • email [email protected]

  • call us on 020 3884 1660

  • write to us at 51 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1DT